Fort Wayne & NE Indiana News

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Leaf Collection Update

Because of late falling leaves additional pick-up days will be added in south side neighborhoods shortly after December 5, 2016. The City’s southern neighborhoods had their second pick-up last week, but many leaves had still not fallen before that second collection. As a result, the Street Department will go through south side neighborhoods again at the end of the regular leaf collection schedule.

This week, heavy loads are being collected in the north and collection will likely continue in the north into next week. Today, 61.5 tons of leaves were picked up in northern neighborhoods.

Residents can view a daily updated schedule by visiting The schedule is updated by 4:00 p.m. each weekday.

Residents wanting to have leaves collected on their own schedule can bag them in biodegradable bags and call 311 to schedule a pick-up. The leaves will be collected within two business days of the call to 311.