Fort Wayne & NE Indiana News

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Salamonie Senior Luncheon, July 3

The Salamonie Senior Luncheon for July will be on Monday, July 3, at the Salamonie Lake Interpretive Center.

Featured speakers will be the Webb family. Matt and Eva Webb and their children Jaq, Solveig and Evie spent 14 months traveling to all 50 states. Their goal was to find kids in each state who are making the world better. The Webb children interviewed the kids with help from Eva while Matt filmed. They are now editing hundreds of hours of footage to make a web series about kids helping the world be a better place.

The program begins with a carry-in meal at noon. A main dish of grilled hotdogs, in honor of National Hotdog Day, will be provided. Guests should bring a side dish to share, a beverage and their own table service.

A $1 donation is accepted. Reservations may be made by calling (260) 468-2127.

Park admission costs $7 per in-state vehicle and $9 per out-of-state vehicle.

The Salamonie Interpretive Center ( is located at Salamonie Lake, 3691 S New Holland Rd., Andrews, IN 46702.